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Formulated sports supplement

We all know to drive your car faster, we press on the accelerator, which provides more fuel for the engine and we accelerate. In the human body, increases in circulation naturally bring greater amounts of nutrients (fuel) and oxygen to working muscles, while also providing greater waste disposal, including the lactic acid removal (you know, the burning pain we all get when he hit the gym, run or ride).

The combined effects of greater circulation lead to vast improvements in muscle strength and power while reducing muscle soreness. This results in us being able to train harder, perform better while reducing the muscle soreness that halts our training in its tracks. There is an amino acid that resides within our blood vessels which allow the wall of the blood vessels to relax and thus increases the circulation. This amazing amino acid is Citrulline.

Citrulline can bypass digestion and first-pass metabolism to get into our peripheral tissues. When required it can convert to arginine and then Nitric Oxide to dilate blood vessels. Arginine is less effective in your periphery doing most of its vasodilation in your gut and liver. Citrulline is the preferred form for your blood vessels into your muscle and extremities.

Why should I take the ATP Science L-Citrulline Malate 2:1
ATP Science Citrulline is made via fermentation from Non-GMO Corn Glucose. (Many materials on the market are produced from genetically modified corn). 2:1 means there are 2-parts Citrulline to 1-part malate in the citrulline malate molecule?

Take 2-8g of citrulline malate 30 - 60 minues before a workout or exercise session. For general supplementation, take 1-2g of citrulline malate 30min before food 3 times per day.

Protein per serve from citrulline
100% citrulline malate (in the ratio of 2 parts citrulline to 1 part malate).

Other unique benefits include:
- Allergen, pesticide, heavy metal and microbial tested for compliance
- An approved material manufacturer that will allow audits of their factory
- HPLC verified guaranteeing fully efficacious material and no contaminants or adulteration
- High bioavailability
- Vegan
- Gluten free
- GMO-free
- Sugar-free



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  • Praise

    I have fantastic & awesome support from wonderful people like Shilo and Tia from day one of my connection with Ariya, then known as FNQ.
    No matter how busy they were, especially Shilo, they have exceeded their dedicated level of support with immense depth of knowledge and experiences in a wide pathological situations including relevant herbs and nutrients intervention.

    It's simply beyond words to express my gratitude.
    Assoc Professor Dr. Francis Or - Cre8future Wellness Therapies