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$52.45 (in GST)
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In Stock


Cell-Logic’s unique EnduraCell® raw material is a 100% Whole Broccoli Sprout Powder with nothing removed and nothing added. EnduraCell® BioActive is the capsulated version of EnduraCell® 80g Powder
Broccoli sprouts when produced according to Cell-Logic’s proprietary Australian technology are a highly-concentrated source of Broccoli phytonutrients. The benefits of Broccoli in the human diet are well-known.

Stimulates cellular antioxidant defences within the body
Broccoli sprouts may activate key enzymes in liver detoxification
Each Size ‘00’ EnduraCell® BioActive capsule contains:

100% Whole Broccoli Sprout Powder Brassica oleracea var. italica (EnduraCell®) 700 mg
NOTE: Cell-Logic EnduraCell® is hydroganically grown in a carefully controlled environment to maximise bioactivity. Our hydroganic growing process does not use any herbicides, pesticides or other harmful chemicals. EnduraCell® BioActive is GMO free and does not contain goitrogens or significant levels of Vitamin K.

Adult Recommended Daily Dosage: 1-2 capsules daily.

Adult Enhanced dose: 1-2 capsules 3-4 times daily as advised by your healthcare practitioner.

Application notes: Very occasionally, adverse effects have been reported after ingestion of either fresh broccoli sprouts or supplements manufactured from fresh sprouts. These effects are typically gastrointestinal in nature and may include nausea, bloating, gastro-abdominal discomfort, and diarrhoea. The skin as an organ of elimination may also be temporarily impacted, together with neural function which is sensitive to redox-inflammation imbalances. The limited data available seem to indicate that gastro-intestinal effects are generally limited to those with pre-existing conditions and in particular to those with dysbiosis associated with a perturbed gut ecosystem.

Dose Titration: In sensitive individuals experiencing any of the aforementioned concerns, titration up to a full dose from a low starting dose allows progressive correction of the underlying causes without overloading the patient’s ability to adapt. The goal is to enable the patient to tolerate the full sulforaphane dose at a pace that eliminates symptoms whilst simultaneously restoring homeostasis.

Instructions for Dose Titration:
1. Discontinue all source of SFN – cruciferous vegetables, broccoli sprout powder and/or capsules.

2. Assuming symptoms abate, resume SFN at a very small dose. This dose may be as little as will fit on the tip of a sharp vegetable knife blade. EnduraCell® powder is the best option, although capsules can be opened.

3. Take this dose daily for a few days to ensure that the gastrointestinal system feels comfortable.

4. Gradually increase the dose by taking a second similar dose each day.

5. Repeat the process by increasing a little each day, monitoring symptoms to determine daily dose.

6. Typically, within 2 weeks, the standard recommended dose will not produce significant ill effects. In severe cases, tolerance may take weeks more to achieve. Be guided by the patient’s response.

7. Those with known dysbiosis or other gastrointestinal issues will typically find that these symptoms have either partially or fully cleared. Cruciferous vegetables can be re-introduced at this stage.

8. Where a patient has been intolerant to other foods, their introduction can be trialled one at a time.



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